I have been waiting for YOU! I am here to hold space for YOU. Here to invite YOU on an Adventure to find, get to know, embrace and celebrate YOU. Authentic YOU. This is YOUR opportunity.
Your Journey is Your Journey. It is sacred, powerful and purposeful! And it lies just out
Have you lost your way? Buried your purpose? Not even sure you have ever discovered it? Feel as if your life is one big round about? Do you really know you? Is it time for some serious self care? Have you ever taken the time to create space for yourself and just be with you? Does the thought of that terrify you? Tired of wearing masks and want to live authentically? Done with toxic behavior patterns and ready to work recovery. Want to change directions but finding it difficult?
Wow. Me too!
I am a Life Journey, Recovery and Empowerment Coach. I will be here to journey with you every step of the way as you discover what you have lost, buried or never really laid hold of.
I finally started that journey when I was 52, just a few years ago. I genuinely and whole heartedly began a journey to find real, authentic me and discover my passions and dreams. I am still on that adventure and I am beyond excited to embark on a journey with you.
Let the adventure begin! It’s time to invest in YOU. Oh the places YOU will go! The final destination? YOU decide. It’s limitless.
Online Coaching with Lisa Fairburn
Hello You. I'm Lisa
Life Journey & Empowerment Coach
I am a successful business owner, community leader, spouse, mother and grandmother but let me tell you I was so busy being what I thought was "successful" that I misplaced ME!
My credentials include a Degree in Psychology and Alcohol and Drug Studies. Counselor. Started a Lawn Care business with my partner from scratch growing it to over 5000 customers and an employee family that ranges from 30-55 employees. Started and co-lead a community church plant for 7+ years. Years of leading, training and empowering employees, lay leaders and volunteers. Mentoring couples and women to improve and enhance their lives and relationships. Over 30 years working in recovery programs. 33 years of growing a marriage. Raised three incredible women, working on two granddaughters and dozens of bonus sons, daughters and grandkids. Learned how to be financially successful, owning and paying off multiple properties. Given generously to ministries, organizations and individuals and families in need of love and assistance. I have been blessed to travel extensively. Not to mention years of my own personal growth work that continues to expand and blossom. And more recently I graduated from Beautiful You Coaching Academy as a certified Life Coach.
Wow that sounds like a big pat on the back. It is also exhausting. YOU know what I discovered? While I was so very busy being successful, taking care of others and doing what I thought was best and looked like I had it all together, I lost ME. I failed to tend to and take care of the most important person, ME.
Finding our identities in what we do is extremely limiting, requires external validation and is often temporary. I may be a business owner or a mother but when I retire or the kids are grown who am I then.
The reality is I am Lisa. I am a woman with feelings, needs, desires, passions and dreams. I am a human being with physical, emotional, mental and spiritual experiences that need tending. It’s only in the last several years that I have allowed myself the space and time to get to know me. I mean really know me. It meant slowing way down, getting quiet and investing in myself. It has meant changing my mind and direction. Unlearning that which no longer aligns or serves me or others. It has meant getting to know what I am feeling, what I need and where I most want to go. Let me tell you it was scary and challenging but it was also freeing, exhilarating, empowering and LIFE CHANGING.
I had to decide. Do I keep embracing the titles or doing what no longer fills my soul because it is what I have always done? Do I stay stuck because I do not know what else to do or because its what others expect of me. Do I resist my hearts cry because it is to exhausting and terrifying to change?
NO! NO I DON’T! AND NEITHER DO YOU! If this is where you find yourself then I want to invite YOU on a journey with ME.
I have always felt it was my life’s passion and purpose to help others find their own freedom and purpose and live into it fully. Are YOU ready to be free to be fully YOU.

So What do I love?
Nature, the great outdoors and bodies of water.
Being a grandma.
Holding space for others to discover their true selves and create a full life.
A good audio book or podcasts.
Learning, growing, releasing and healing.
I love alone time and self care.
Lifting weights & Yoga
A good salad.
Time with dear friends.
I love my ever growing relationship with my God, my husband and myself.
That YOU are here!
My Offerings -Details and links coming soon!
1:1 Sessions
Journey with me
90 minute Refresher
Group & Retreat
Coach Masterminds
Maternal Coaching Space
The best part about coaching was the permission and encouragement I got to work on myself, and not in
a selfish way, but in a healthy way. I appreciate the coaching and tools accessed to help me achieve some things that were missing in my life.I feel like I have
learned to trust and anchor into my self confidence and because of that, I have earned a seat at the table! Thank you Lisa.
- Chentel
I came to coaching in the middle of a huge life transition. I felt stuck in my old ways of being which were filled with self doubt, fear, confusion and not knowing how to move forward. I left coaching feeling empowered, confident, strong and capable. Lisa seemed to know just what I needed. She didn't buy into all of my stories about why I couldn't do something and continually time after time would put me back on my path. Her expansive vision opened my own perspective that allowed space for so many new possibilities. Lisa gently showed me the possibility for something more. I have a lot of close friends and teachers that I talk to about my struggles, but I found the coaching space that Lisa held for me to be powerful, supportive, and transformational in a totally different way. My experience with Lisa literally changed the way I look at my life and I am forever grateful to her for that.
- Kyra
Lisa’s style of coaching is coming along side encouraging us to do the work alongside of my faith in Jesus. It’s like nothing I have ever experienced before. Lisa guided me through discovering who I truly am and helped me recognize my worth and value as humans.
- Val
Let's go on a JOURNEY to YOU!
30 min
1 hr
125 US dollars

Labyrinths are one of my favorite spiritual practices. There is so much to be said for quiet, peaceful reflecting, releasing and receiving. Did you know there is a world wide labyrinth locator. You can walk a labyrinth almost anywhere you go. I do.
Or you can simply make your own in the sand. https://labyrinthlocator.